When all songs are penned by one person, together with a voice as good as it was, you do wonder why Marian Segal isn’t a house hold name. Sometimes life isn’t fair but maybe like smaller, poorer nations in the world, folk music suffers in the name of its more profitable neighbours of the time. But that too easily dismisses the basics on which folk is built, making its popular music cousins to take all the headlines and profits.
The sleeve doesn’t help. Rather uninspiring if I’m honest. For anyone popping through the record covers back in 1970 I suspect most would have easily dismissed this as ‘something my dad would like’. And move on. What were they thinking? And inside, is where the magic exists. This is a well balanced, easy to listen to LP with enough folk induced music to enlighten any conversation.
It’s a great addition to any collection and for anyone who likes pop/rock music but can appreciate the folk origins you won’t be disappointed. And you certainly won’t be disappointed by Marian’s vocal talents and the overall harmonies on the record. I love this album.