There has been more written, and more forgotten, about this lady than I can even start to compete against. Whatever I write will not influence you in any way regarding her voice. Would she ‘make’ it today? Probably not despite the euphoria held against ‘local’ talent nowadays.
But she was, and will remain forever, an iconic representation of the Northern music scene during the mid Sixties. It must have been an exciting time. Unlike today whereby fashion lasts for two minutes before the next Instagram sensation, Cilla was part of a movement. Something never before seen or heard anywhere. And whilst there was still a lean towards the 40’s and 50’s ‘big band’ music evident in this recording (although how else would you record ‘Ol’ man river’), it started to take people in a different direction in terms of performance and musical interpretation.
For that reason alone, this is an important recording, but for a first LP, it is a very mature offering by a solo singer. Her famous voice ‘waver’ is evident here on several tracks coupled with – as it says on the cover – beautiful lyrics particularly on ‘One little voice’. And of course, there is ‘Dancing in the street’ a song re-recorded many years later by a couple of old blokes who I think became famous somewhere down the line.
Perhaps not an LP you would immediately reach for, but as a reminder of what ‘popular’ music sounded like from the very beginning, from a girl who would become massively famous in her homeland, this is well worth a try. And it is in such fantastic condition.